Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Remedies For Stomach Ulcer Through Anti Biotics

For all those of us unfamiliar with why an ulcer can hurt so much, all they need to do is grab a dictionary and read the definition of what an ulcer actually is. An ulcer, or more specifically, a peptic ulcer, is a hole being burned into the lining of the stomach. Just by reading that you can tell, if something is going to cause distress of the stomach, an ulcer is surely it!

Understandably an individual suffering from such a condition will probably want a miracle cure and want it now! Thankfully there are many over the counter remedies for ulcers, as well as some common prescription based treatments. However, not until recently, have there been a completely new stomach ulcer cure, the wonderful world of antibiotics.

Antibiotics have been used to deal with a variety of ailments, but never ulcers. Recently, the blame for ulcers has fallen on a bacteria known as H. pylori bacterium. It would make sense then that if antibiotics have been used to deal with bacteria in other circumstances, then there is no reason that antibiotics would not be effective as a stomach ulcer cure.

Antibiotics were thought not to be able to address the condition fully or provide a cure for the stomach ulcer, which led to some trepidation on the use of antibiotics in some people. This has been laid to rest however over time as more patients are being prescribed antibiotics to cure their stomach ulcers, and of course, more people reporting that their stomach ulcers have been cured by antibiotics.

Antibiotics of course may not be for everyone, and if a patient decides to stick with the traditional tried and tested methods, then that is of course their prerogative. Antibiotics though are definitely for those looking for a more permanent cure to their situation.

Immediate Pain Relief Measures For Ulcer Cure

When my brother was twelve he had to have some ulcer treatment. I don’t remember what he had to do, but I do remember being shocked that a child would have ulcers. The doctor said it was too much of the wrong foods, and that was something that my dad felt was his fault. At the time we was single, and he wasn’t good at grocery shopping. He had good intentions but he did not understand much about nutrition. Though he went faithfully to the grocery store so that we had food, he didn’t know how to do it.

My dad bought three things in multiples. He bought Pepsi, Tony’s frozen pizza, and the stuff needed to make spaghetti. That was all we ate, and in retrospect, those foods were not good for my brother’s stomach. That was apparently why he needed ulcer treatment, though I’m not sure foods actually cause ulcers. From what I know, some sort of bacteria causes them, but those foods would definitely cause a person to have a lot of pain. My dad changed his grocery buying habits, and my brother’s ulcer treatments didn’t have to last very long.

If you are having a lot of pain, you might want to ask your doctor if you need ulcer treatment. You usually know you are having ulcer pain if the pain is sharp and radiates from your stomach area. This can be worse when you have eaten spicy foods, such as Italian or even Mexican dishes, and can be exasperated by drinking things like soda or coffee. If you don’t get ulcer treatment when you need it, you can end up with bleeding ulcers and when that happens, things are only going to get worse from there.

Some people try to do their own ulcer treatment by drinking Pepto when they have pain. That might help with immediate relief, but it will not help the ulcer heal. There may be special meds you need to take to get rid of the ulcer, and you may have to change your diet as a part of ulcer treatment. You might also be told to exercise to reduce the amount of stress you are carrying around. Your food choices, stress levels, and the time you have had your ulcer all contribute to how much pain you feel each day. Make sure you listen to your doctor and alter your lifestyle according to their wishes.